Dr. Katharine Baetier

February 20 • 3:00 – 3:30 p.m. on WAAM • Ann Arbor

VigeeLeBrun_Poster_Image_481x800Ed welcomes Dr. Katharine Baetier, curator of the exquisite exhibition, Vigee Le Brun: Woman Artist in Revolutionary France, at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, in New York, and running through May 15.  Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun (1755-1842), one of the greatest portrait painters during the late 18th-early 19th centuries, served as court painter to Queen Marie Antoinette until the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789.  The 80 paintings and pastels provide a startlingly beautiful record of the royal family and their circle on the eve of catastrophe.

More at: metmuseum.org

February 20 • 3:30 – 4:00 p.m. on WAAM • Ann Arbor

220px-LiaisonsDangereuses_XWe’ll continue our on-air journey in pre-Revolutionary France with a survey of portraits and historical paintings, architecture, and of influential novels and pamphlets that highlight the period.


Diane Rehm & Dr. Elaine Gazda

February 13 • 3:00 – 3:30 p.m. on WAAM • Ann Arbor

Diane RehmWe will be joined by the renowned, award-winning broadcaster, Diane Rehm.  Miss Rehm, host of the immensely popular NPR radio program, The Diane Rehm Show, will share with us her journey of awareness following her husband’s death from Parkinson’s Disease, which she movingly chronicles in her new book, On My Own, published by Knopf.

More at: aaknopf.com


February 13 • 3:30 – 4:00 p.m. on WAAM • Ann Arbor

Elaine GazdaScreen Shot 2016-02-11 at 3.20.29 PMJoin Ed for an on-air preview of the stunning upcoming exhibition, Leisure and Luxury in the Age of Nero: The Villas of Oplontis near Pompeii, opening February 19 at the
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan.  Our returning guest will be
Dr. Elaine Gazda, Curator of Hellenistic and Roman Collections.

more at: https://www.lsa.umich.edu/kelsey/exhibitions/

Heather Lemonedes

February 6 • 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. on WAAM • Ann Arbor

titianJoin the celebration of The Cleveland Museum of Art’s centenary with Heather Lemonedes, Curator of Drawings & Interim Co-Chief Curator. Heather will describe Titian’s great painting, Portrait of Alfonso d’Avalos, Marchese del Vasto, in Armor with a Page, from 1533, on loan from The J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles. The late Renaissance will come alive with this multifaceted image of a prominent soldier-statesman-collector.More at:clevelandart.org