Werner Pfeiffer & Charlotte Vignon

pfeifferMarch 28 • 3-4 p.m. on WAAM 

3:00:  Ed welcomes renowned artist Werner Pfeiffer and Toledo Museum of Art curator Tom Loeffler to highlight the exhibition, Drawn, Cut & Layered: The Art of Werner Pfeiffer, at the TMA.  More than 200 works on paper beguile the visitor with their beauty, mystery, and sculptural integrity.  See toledomuseum.org.


coypel3:30:  Frick Collection curator Charlotte Vignon returns to describe her exhibition of French artist Charles Coypel’s (1694-1752) paintings and tapestries illustrating scenes from Cervantes’ masterpiece, Don Quixote.  Titled  Coypel’s Don Quixote Tapestries: Illustrating a Spanish Novel in 18th Century France, the exhibition runs through May 17.  See frick.org.